By Jonathan de Ho "What? Resolution again.... IT WONT WORK FOR ME!!!" That's the common answer you might heard when being ask on resolution. So, How many of you do set a New Year Resolution? The next following question will be "do you really work on it"? How do you set the resolution and how do you work it out? Resolution SettingIt is common to hear I would like to be millionaire or billionaire. I want to drive Ferrari or Lamborghini. I want to slim down... etc... Sky is the limit, you can set any goal you want it. But how badly you want to achieve it? How are you going to get it? That's the common mistake / problem normally face in the goal setting. Basically it wont really too far away from these 6 factors: The 5 W's & 1 H family Here could be some of the common mistake or problem that you will make: WHAT? 1. Realisticness :- Your resolution have to be realistic and not way too big to be achieve. There is no right or wrong on setting you goal high as long as you know the way to achieve it. Even if its double of what you achieve last year, it can be done it you are clear on what you are doing. Remember, you need to know what and how to do to achieve it. Example: Achieve RM350k per annum by year end (Say your previous income is around RM250-300k) 2. Clarity :- Your resolution may not be clear or specific enough. You have to be very specific so you have a guideline to achieve what goal you set. It will be easy for you to set strategy and planning if your goal is clear cut and specific. Example: Body weight below 85kg by year end. Cholesterol and Blood Glucose level within normal healthy readings WHERE? 3. Localize or Nationwide :- Your resolution must base on the location you set. You cant set a resolution that you want to build a business in Japan but you are not planning to go there right? Is your goal is set to be achieve just within a region, state or nationwide? WHO? It's for who? Yourself, family? 4. Eagerness :- How badly you want to achieve it? Do u meant it? Can you do whatever or however ways to achieve it? Example: You want to start a business, do you stop there if you dont have enough fund to start it? 5. Confidence and Self Belief :- It is very important that you know what are you doing and you believe in what you do and believe in yourself. Without any of this, your effort may be in vain. Example: You are not confident in reduce weight (or also not enough strong will) as you still want to eat abundantly and but you still want to set a goal for weight reduce. WHY? 6. Inspiration :- Is your resolution is attractive or inspire enough for you to do it? Say if your resolution is not attractive or inspire enough, you will not really fight for it till the end. The more inspire and attractive the goal setting will lead to, the stronger the will, the force and moral you will have to work towards the end and in fact, excel on it Example: You want to be famous and getting lots of focus and attention. This is something you want it badly, so you will have the force to work hard and fight to get it. 7. Consistency :- You can't do things half way right? Its about consistency on achieving what you set. Have you ever see Mark Zuckerberg stop thinking about the ways to improve Facebook? It something that the most hard to follow but you see from all those successful personal, which of them is not consistent in what they do? 8. Self Reliance and Self Boost :- You must know a way to make yourself happy and continue to move on when you face problems or obstacles. Take a break and look into different angle. Self moral and confidence boost is very important steps. Example: Watch a short inspiration movie to enlighten yourself when you feel low. WHEN? 9. Timeline :- All your goals whether short term or long term must have a timeline. Example: Invest 5 houses in two years period... Reduce to 50kg by June 2018... 10. Progress / Check Point :- Whatever goal you set, there must be not only timeline, but also a check point or progress. This will ensure you will be on track or how far you are away from it. So you can know what to do about it. Example: Say your goal is to achieve RM200k annual income by year end, your check point probably is monthly, quarterly, half yearly... 11. Focus :- This also one of the most important aspect to achieve your goal setting. Always focus on your resolution goal setting. What you do wont run away from your goal. HOW 12. But lastly the one of the most important aspect is HOW to do? You cant set a goal that you don't know how to achieve right? If you don't know the way to achieve it, think write down and think about it. This is also a way to measure the realisticness of your goal setting. Example: You want to increase your yearly income to RM240k which equivalent to RM20k a month. Your current income is only RM8k a month (yet plus bonus as it is variable). So what you can do to increase your income? Online business, side business or part time job or change your career... Also you must take into your consideration for details such as your monthly fix expenses such as car loan, mortgage loan, insurance, food, entertainment, debt etc... Reference : List of New Year ResolutionHere are some lists of resolution for your reference (Be mindful, you must know yourself best, admit to yourself and don't ignore your weakness, problem you face or bad habits): 1. Fashion / Habit / Lifestyle - Dress more like my style, Action first or Do the priority first, Stop playing video /computer/mobile games (or play less), Buy a car, Backup my phone/computer, Get more cultured, Do something you love more, Spend more / less time on Facebook or Social Media, Dont bother on what people look or think of me, Start playing back my favorite sport, Watch less TV / Series, Go to more event such concerts / live sports event, Be more organized, Get / get rid tattoo, Get a makeover, Stop overthinking and simplify your thoughts, Have a cleaner house / car / working environment, Stop texting when driving, Stop my bad habits, etc 2. Wealth - Buy property, Invest in Share, Increase my income, Live within my means, Get out of debt, Plan & Prepare for Children education fund or retirement fund, Get an insurance, Increase my asset, Expand my business, etc 3. Health / Emotional - Lose weight, Quit smoking, Get a health check up half yearly or yearly, Enjoy more by listen to favorite music, Get a six pack, Be healthier by having routine exercise, Start eating healthy, Quit drinking (Or drink less), Get more rest or sleep, Detox the body, Let go and worry less, Go to dentist, Join a Gym, Go for daily walk, See a therapist, Relax your emotion and stop being mad easily, Start taking supplements, Get off prescription drugs by get back your health, Sleep early and wake up early etc 4. Career / Direction - Get famous, Get a mentor, Get a better job, Change of career, Do what you want to be, Start a business, Become a specialist or expert of something, etc 5. Social / Love - Find a Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Love and spent more time with family and parents, Validate people more in my life, Love yourself more, Reconnect with old friends, More more people, Establish date nights, Get a baby, Get married, Stop calling my ex, Encourage my kids more, Get a pet, Get more spiritual, etc 6. Self Improve - Attend courses, Learn a language, Learn a new skill (cooking, internet skills, swimming, karate, knitting, driving etc) , Be more adventurous, Complete a 90 days challenge, Start a Youtube Channel, Go back to school, Write more, Read more, Start a hobby, etc 7. Priority / Principles - Recycle more, Stop being lazy, Stop judging people, Enjoy your moment, Start believe in myself, Be more confidence, Simplify, Stop being so negative, Start think bigger, Donate more (money / items / time), etc 8. Travel / Location - Travel more and visit more places, reset your base or location, Honeymoon or Second honeymoon, etc etc... So what's your new year resolution?I wish all of you a great year ahead and wish this article do able to help you all in your life. Bonne Chance & Année Lisse!
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