The nationwide full lockdown will be extended for another two weeks starting June 15. Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the decision was made after considering the high number of daily cases reported. He said the National Security Council’s special meeting chaired by the Prime Minister yesterday heard a report and proposal presented by the Health Ministry. “It has been decided that the lockdown will be extended for two weeks, taking effect from June 15 to 28, ” he said in a statement. The lists of positive and negative activities as well as standard operating procedure for manufacturing businesses and industries remain unchanged. “Since the dos and don’ts list as well as SOP are unchanged, I hope there will be no confusion in enforcing the SOP. “I do not want the public to be affected by the wrong interpretation of SOP by enforcement bodies, ” said Ismail Sabri. Sources said those who attended the meeting agreed that the lockdown should be extended. “After listening to the (Health) ministry’s presentation, everyone shared the same view that there is a need for (the lockdown) to continue for another two weeks to see if the number of daily cases can be brought down, ” said a source. On May 28, the Prime Minister announced that the country would go into a full lockdown for 14 days from June 1, with only essential economic and service sectors allowed to operate.
At the time, the healthcare system was thought to be near breaking point as the number of Covid-19 cases had breached the 8, 000 mark and new variants had emerged. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had said then that should the first phase of lockdown succeed in reducing the number of daily cases, the government would move to a second phase of four weeks with certain economic sectors to open, provided no large gatherings are involved and physical distancing is practised. “After that, Phase Three would start with the implementation of a movement control order where no social activities are allowed, ” he had added. Refer from
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